You Need to Calm Down by Taylor Swift

You Need to Calm Down by Taylor Swift

The Lyric video for "You Need to Calm Down" is a fun, font-focused celebration of color, and gay pride. It might also be a subtle dig at Trump and Trumpism. In a video posted by Beats 1 on Twitter, Taylor says, "It’s about how I’ve observed a lot of different people...

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4-Year-Old Claire Ryann Singing Sunday Songs

4-Year-Old Claire Ryann Singing Sunday Songs

When this came through my Facebook feed this morning, it made me cry. Little kids singing beautifully always makes me cry. I think it's because of how much I loved the Annie movie growing up. I didn't recognize Claire Ryann or realize it wasn't the first time her...

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Kesha’s Badass Rainbow

Kesha’s Badass Rainbow

I'm literally crying! I didn't start today planning to buy Kesha's new album Rainbow, and I certain didn't anticipate writing about it. More than anything, I didn't expect to be so damn inspired and cry so hard listening to it. Kesha's new album is the most badass...

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Andrea Motis

Andrea Motis

There’s a category of music I like that isn’t a real thing. I can’t go searching for music under this category, and I would never have even known about had it not been for the Glorious Days of Napster. Because of Napster, I discovered the beautiful voice and music of...

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Watch Ariana Grande’s #OneLoveManchester Benefit Concert

Watch Ariana Grande’s #OneLoveManchester Benefit Concert

Terrorism is about making us afraid to go out to public places. The people who commit attacks imagine they can scare us into limiting our own freedom by making the world seem more dangerous than it really is. The intention of the bomber who killed 22 and injured more...

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Gal Gadot’s ‘Wonder Woman’ Bloopers are Delightful

Gal Gadot’s ‘Wonder Woman’ Bloopers are Delightful

For the millions of us who would rather get a mani-pedi while reading a good book rather than sit through ONE MORE SUPERHERO MOVIE about old characters created in the last century, Wonder Woman was a praise-worthy exception. I saw it and loved it. In general, I prefer...

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Life’s About to Get Good – Shania Twain (Lyrics)

Life’s About to Get Good – Shania Twain (Lyrics)

About a week ago Shania Twain's song That Don't Impress Me Much shuffled through my playlist for the first time in a long time, and I wondered where Shania's been? There must have been something in the air because she's BACK with a new song that makes me all kinds of...

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Nissan Designs Car for Dogs and the People who Love Dogs

Nissan Designs Car for Dogs and the People who Love Dogs

Almost everyone I know and love is a human who loves their dogs as much or more than other humans they know. Our dogs are part of our families, and it makes sense that carmakers are beginning to think about that. Nissan introduced a well thought out concept for people...

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